Monday 22 June 2015

Late ... Whatever.

So, I had a look in the settings for Dragon Age: Inquisition and found it could be run in window mode, so I ran it while I also had task manager up so I could monitor the memory usage. I found out that windows had shaped my 8GB of RAM to 2GB, which I promptly rectified. I also found during loading it would cause the CPU and Disk Usage to spike to 100%. My computer DOES actually meet ALL recommended requirements to run this game, so I ask myself WTF? I figure the CPU spike is more caused by the fact that it is an APU, which means it is also the Graphics card, and since this game is both graphic and CPU intensive ... well, it's clearly too much for it to handle. I find that when the Disk usage spikes to 100%, it's usually when some background system operation goes rogue ... so maybe a second hard drive would do the trick?

Anyway, I managed to get Inquisition to run satisfactorily for the moment, but I am thinking of purchasing, as well as a new graphics card, a second stick of RAM and a second hard drive - neither of these things are particularly expensive, especially compared to a new graphics card.


I don't know if I will be able to finish the poetry unit I am doing for the writing course - I have tried, but I can't seem to write anything to the rule set for certain types of poems. Three weeks left, which is supposed to be used for peer review and redrafting, and I can't write a thing! Ugh, this blows! What of the ones I have written? Well, they have been critiqued by some poetry expert and I can't figure out how to rewrite them!

Maybe I should just can the whole thing. It's pointless anyway, I have no plans for using the certificate for anything. But I have already payed for the bloody thing ... twice over .... must finish ... blegh.


So, school holidays start next week. The Chook will be at his father's for the first week. I had planned on relaxing some and catching up on things I had let slide for the last few months as I stared at the screen, attempting to write poetry. Now it's shaping up to be more sitting in front of a screen while attempting to write poetry.

My motivation for doing almost anything has gone, this isn't cool. I crave sleep, but my head won't let me - unless it's a half hour nap on the floor of the lounge - maybe I could write a poem about that? LOL (not really that funny, now that I think about it).

Pfft, whatever.

PsychoScissors out.

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