Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Window Replacement

Today, one of my windows is being replaced ... exciting right? It was broken on Friday, when the lawn maintenance blokes were, well, mowing. A rock went through one of the windows (duh), I heard the rock, but assumed it was just lots of tiny stones hitting the wall and glass, as usual. It wasn't until Saturday morning that I noticed the glass on the floor and the rock beneath the curtain, it wasn't completely smashed - more like a large bullet hole. I told my parents (I am lucky enough to be renting a unit from them) and on Monday morning they contacted Body Corporate.

The Body Corporate decided to contact their resident representative to have a look ... this happens to be my neighbor. I found him waiting for me when I arrived home from picking up The Chook. He said "It would have been nice to have known about it when it happened." Thing is, I didn't notice till the Saturday and Body Corporate management is not available on the weekend, so Monday was the first opportunity to contact them. He also said "It's odd that the mowing guy didn't notice." To which I replied, "He was wearing earmuffs and operating a loud machine. How would he notice a smallish hole in a window slightly screened by a rose bush?" He also decided to ask where a stone would have come from ... you would think it was his money on the line.

My parents have now told me that if he comes up to me with questions that are for the owners, to refer him over to them - I am the renter. I do not speak for the owners, even if they are my parents.

End rant,

PsychoScissors out.

1 comment:

  1. Good grief, what a annoying man.....Guess he probably thought you did it on purpose...as if.
    Glad all sorted now though ☺
