Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Letters to the Editor

So, I had to submit a piece of writing to a newspaper/magazine/publisher for my writing course and one of the options was to send a letter to the editor.

It was published and someone had written a letter to the editor in reply. Here they are (Sorry mine is a little wonky):

So ... apparently my line of reasoning is hard to follow and secularism is a religion ...

My first thought after reading it - "You, sir, are an idiot."

I won't be dignifying this with a response, you can't fix stupid or the blindly religious.

PsychoScissors out.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Fair thee well XP, we had a good run...

Ok, so some of you may know that Microsoft's support was removed for Windows XP recently. Well, I was happy enough to continue to use it, removal of support does not mean you can't use it. Unfortunately, I had a glitch today and I was unable to fix it - I used my phone to browse the internet (since this was one of the services effected) and was unable to find a solution. I tried a repair install to no avail. So I did a complete wipe and re-install. This would have been fine, since they have supposedly made it so that when you go to activate it doesn't need to authenticate, but it doesn't recognise the internet connection through my mobile internet dongle ... I've had this problem before, I fixed it by lugging my computer to my parents house.

But now that I have this problem, I thought that maybe I should just upgrade my OS - I don't want to go down the linux path - so that leaves Windows 7 or 8, which are the same price. Then I got to thinking, that would probably be wasted money on my computer. My machine is aged to the point that if the motherboard, CPU or video card failed, I could not find replacement parts. I have new RAM and power supply, but the RAM would be incompatible with a new system. So for a new system I would have to replace, at the minimum, CPU, motherboard, video card and RAM.

While I know how to build a system, I do not have the time or patience to slog through all the info about all available parts and to figure out what I want vs. what I can afford. Pre-built systems are not what I'm after either, because they come with the things I don't need - adding to the cost. I don't need a DVD burner, case or hard drive - I have these things already, in perfect working order and compatible with future systems.

Ugh, I'll have to grab out my netbook to do my course work, until I can figure out what to do about my desktop. I just hope the operating system on it doesn't crap itself too - it runs XP as well! I'm pretty sure I have Open Office on it. Luckily I was able to put all of my recent work on to my external hard drive!


PsychoScissors out.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Window Replacement

Today, one of my windows is being replaced ... exciting right? It was broken on Friday, when the lawn maintenance blokes were, well, mowing. A rock went through one of the windows (duh), I heard the rock, but assumed it was just lots of tiny stones hitting the wall and glass, as usual. It wasn't until Saturday morning that I noticed the glass on the floor and the rock beneath the curtain, it wasn't completely smashed - more like a large bullet hole. I told my parents (I am lucky enough to be renting a unit from them) and on Monday morning they contacted Body Corporate.

The Body Corporate decided to contact their resident representative to have a look ... this happens to be my neighbor. I found him waiting for me when I arrived home from picking up The Chook. He said "It would have been nice to have known about it when it happened." Thing is, I didn't notice till the Saturday and Body Corporate management is not available on the weekend, so Monday was the first opportunity to contact them. He also said "It's odd that the mowing guy didn't notice." To which I replied, "He was wearing earmuffs and operating a loud machine. How would he notice a smallish hole in a window slightly screened by a rose bush?" He also decided to ask where a stone would have come from ... you would think it was his money on the line.

My parents have now told me that if he comes up to me with questions that are for the owners, to refer him over to them - I am the renter. I do not speak for the owners, even if they are my parents.

End rant,

PsychoScissors out.

Monday, 12 May 2014

Mumble mumble....

Every Monday morning the kids at The Chook's school sing the National Anthem with the teachers and parents joining in. I usually stay out of singing it because I can't stand singing it so badly, but today it was worse than usual. There were fewer kids and all of them were mumbling - "Ausmnsal et us-eoice, fo-e a un n-fee...", I couldn't help myself, I said "Oh, come on" and started singing it, with the aim of getting them to lift their voices ... It back fire and I practically ended up singing it alone. Couple that with the fact that I can't stand being centre of attention, good or bad ... let's just say I didn't have much fun.

I also hate the fact that so few know that there is actually a second verse to our anthem. I think it is much better than the first verse too, far more uplifting.

Beneath our radiant Southern Cross
We'll join with hearts and hands
To make this Commonwealth of ours
Renowned of all the lands
For those who've come across the seas
We've boundless plans to share
With courage let us all combine
To advance Australia fair
In joyful strains, then let us sing
Advance Australia fair

Oh, but no one cares. No one likes singing our anthem, probably because we are forced to sing it for years in primary school. And then there are those who think that Waltzing Matilda would make a better anthem ... yes, let's sing about hard times, taking sheep and committing suicide when the corrupt law enforcement comes. Really good anthem right there! I will agree that it is far more fun to sing, but doesn't say much about out country ... just be glad we don't sing Advance Australia Fair in it's original form - look it up if you want to learn more.

Wow, did I really just have a rant about our anthem? How many people actually care so much? ROFL.

PsychoScissors out.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Feeling Cold...

It's windy and overcast outside. I am here wrapped in a blanket and still my extremities are purple. I am considering turning on the heater. It's always cold in my house - my house is oriented towards the east, only my kitchen window faces north and the western side of my house is in constant shade from the trees on the neighboring property. Only on 40+ degree days does it get uncomfortably warm in here. So cold.

Ok, the heater is on. I only ever heat the lounge room, both entrances have doors on them. I have just looked at the weather - apparently the maximum temperature is 15 degrees, tomorrow is supposed to be 14. Definitely cold enough for heating in my opinion. Must remember to put flannelet sheets on the beds!

And I still have not planted out my winter veg! Soon it will be too late for most. The seedlings are still waiting for transplant, like so many other things waiting for my attention. Every list sees exponential growth daily.

We are going without TV and video games here. The Chook has been ignoring my warnings about the consequences of not tidying his toys away, even taking anything that he doesn't put away by the end of the week has not worked. He was warned that he would loose all of his toys and gaming privileges if he didn't get it done this week and he didn't do a thing. So now he has no toys, no TV, and definitely no video games. He is left with his drawing things and books.

The only thing he has truly been unhappy about was the TV. I have turned all power to the TV etc off. I have even removed the external hard drive on the computer (which contains the files for all of the games) and the computer is to stay off at all times - except when I need to do my studying, which he is not home for.

I have told him the TV will go back on next week on Monday and that he will be allowed to choose a few toys from the confiscated mass to play with. If he can be good and tidy up when asked he will get some more toys and he may be allowed to play a video game for one evening. If he can continue to keep things tidy when asked he will get toys back, if not he looses some. Some might think this harsh, but nothing else has worked.

Well this is joyful...

PsychoScissors out.