Friday, 24 April 2015


On my whiteboard next to my calendar, for Wednesday I had written in that I would post to this blog. Completely forgot until I was getting into bed, thinking 'Oh, well, there is always tomorrow'. I didn't even think about it yesterday, but today I am here - better late than never?

I was having a read of some of my older posts and noticed that I had mentioned my Doctor Who scarf. Completing the scarf is one of my bucket list items! I am nearly halfway through making it. In the older post I mentioned not knowing if I would use single or half-double crochet and if I would make it 8" or 12" wide ... I decided to make it the wide version (it ended up 11.5", close enough) in half-double crochet. To figure out if I could do it without using up all of the hand dyed yellow I crocheted 10 rows and weighed it, divided the weight by 10 to get the weight per row, calculated how many rows I would need to complete the yellow stripes, then multiplied row count by row weight ... LOL. I had plenty!

Speaking of BBC ... I am now obsessed with Sherlock! After avoiding watching it for so long because I knew I would become addicted (just like a few other TV shows I am avoiding ... I have enough obsessions!) I finally borrowed the first season from a friend. As soon as I had finished watching the first episode I jumped online and ordered all three series! A few weeks later I had also purchased a Sherlock jacket and set of mugs from the UK ... I'm screwed!

I need to head off now, I'm helping out with tuck shop at The Chooks school.

PsychoScissors out.

P.S. I forgot about this lame poem I had to write for my poetry unit:

It was an exercise I had to do which required putting 100 words in a container, pulling them out and creating a poem.

You go further than a demiurge,
Amorphous plebeian.
Grand in your prideful ways,
Your intention notorious.

You're a meticulous juggernaut
Of compiled avarice.
Oh, tantalising travesty,
Graffiti with abandon!

You behave like a cloistered cat,
Bedevilled and deluded!
Betwixt the infidel and blade,
An apt finale.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Am I Back?

I have written a list of things I would like to do with my life, aka - a bucket list.

Some of the things on this list I can accomplish now or within the next year or two, some that will take most of the rest of my life to achieve and yet others that may never come to fruition - this does not bother me.
They range from the superfluous to serious life goals.
I have put some short to medium term goals in motion, but a few shall come to pass on their own; such as 'pay off my car loan' which - at the rate I am currently paying it off - should be the end of the year (I'll have it payed off 2 1/2 years early ... on a five year loan!).

One of the items I have on the list is 'maintain a blog with fortnightly posts'. So, here is the first of many - although I think I'll make the posts mid-week rather than on the weekends - I hope I can keep it up.

Perhaps in time I shall post my list on this blog, but for now I'd like to keep it private.

We shall see if my interest can be maintained,

PsychoScissors out.